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Soul survivors of the Space Wolves of the 13th company attack on Prospero in the hunt for the Thousand Sons traitor. The remnants of the 13th company are brought back to the Fang. Fill with vengeance in their soul they request audience with their Primarch and request to be sent on the hunt for Magnus the Red.
The Primarch Leman Russ handed with the Emperor request to prepare for the Horus treachery tell them that the 13th Company must refill its ranks and prepare for the coming war. Using the leadership of the most elder one's he put them in charge of Fenris Astartes recruitments while the other companies of the chapter hunt for the Space Marines traitors chapters. The best of them are to become the personal guard of the Primarch Leman Russ.
During final training new recruits are sent in wait to take charge of the many outpost created by the Wolves in the planets systems in vicinity of Fenris. Hunting down traitor marines the companies of the Space Wolves in their final deliverance of the Imperium use diverse hunting tactics to bring the traitors toward these known outpost to be sent wholehearted on walls of ambush created by the 13th company trained Bloodclaw.
The Horus Heresy war finish and with the dying Emperor left to govern on its throne Leman Russ in rage with his brothers acknowledgement to Guilliman request to create more chapter finally give up to the rationality of the idea. New Wolves chapters are to be made to secure the Eye of Terror against the traitors chapters. The Primarch Leman Russ charge the 13th Company with many marines heroes of the great war to become the first successor chapter call The Wolf Brothers. The new founded chapter is sent with load of fleets, armories and priests on the frozen death world of Kaeriol there to create their own future and guard the way out of the Eye of Terror of traitor marines chapters.
Given tempered Warp gene-seed from the still breathing chaos Priesthood of Mars the Wolf Brothers records significant new recruits to turn to the called Wulfen curse during encounters making their prospect of generating load of new warriors almost impossible pass their first founded companies.
Given tempered Warp gene-seed from the still breathing chaos Priesthood of Mars the Wolf Brothers records significant new recruits to turn to the called Wulfen curse during encounters making their prospect of generating load of new warriors almost impossible pass their first founded companies.
Having for mission to protect the in and out of the Eye of Terror the Wolf Brothers fulfill to their best ability their role given by their Primarch unknown that they are being played by Magnus the Red Primarch of the surviving Thousand Sons. Hunted down one by one the companies of the Wolf Brothers chapter are terminated or sent adrift within the warp at the lost of their navigators or hunted by warp psychic beast at the command of Magnus. The Wolf Brothers of Kaeriol call forth for the help of their Primarch Leman Russ 'but' to slowly the words of their lost companies accounts are drift to the ears of Fenris.
The Primarch Leman Russ violent temper of the news take the best heroes of the great war within all the companies at his command and pursue Magnus the Red with is personal guard formed from the corpse remain of the elder commanders of the great war. Ploy by Magnus the Red in its vengeance for Prospero... the Primarch of the Space Wolves is snare within a magical entrapment and hold against its own free will never to be eard or found again.
The Wolf Brothers chapter lost to its problematic recruitments is found wanted and disbanded due to its Wulfen curse and gene-seed lost over its none replenishment. To honorius to be taken back to the Space Wolves Legion they set themselves throughout the Imperium, fill their remaining fleet with all they can transport and propel themselves within the Immaterium to the far points of the Segmentum's in search of their Primarch and ways to hunt Magnus. The news to Fenris of the frozen death world of Kaeriol and their Wolf Brothers is that it has been abandoned in respect with the decree of the second founding chapter ruling set of laws and rules of the great wolf.
Soul survivors of the 13th Company on prospero, reformed into a new chapter, hunted down by the Thousand Sons of Magnus the Red, disbanded into small fleet vessel throughout the far points of the Segmentum's in search of their Primarch...
A small raider vessel containing the half strength of the Wolf Brothers third Company is now lost into the Immaterium. Living on board 'The Deviant Blackwulf Raider' trying to find a home for themselves and believing to be the soul survivors of a time long last past within history books. A new challenge awaits them...
Warping out into realspace they discover the remains of a space battlefield entail within the gravity field of the frozen death world of Kanis. Ascertaining themselves around Kanis the remnants of the Wolf Brothers are sent scouting the surroundings destroyed ships, the orbiting space station and the long lost Hives Forges found on the surface of Kanis.
The Wolf Brothers are to be tested for their tenacity and stubbornness. Defying painstaking Demons traps, odds and ends of frost Tyranids from age past, bold Dark Eldars hunters and surviving Death Skulls Orks... the Wolf Brothers will have all the challenges they needs to make their chronicles a bloody one.
On a mission to gather equipment their ferocity of survival is being play by the taint of Chaos itself. On the frozen death world of Kanis revenge will be taken...
A small raider vessel containing the half strength of the Wolf Brothers third Company is now lost into the Immaterium. Living on board 'The Deviant Blackwulf Raider' trying to find a home for themselves and believing to be the soul survivors of a time long last past within history books. A new challenge awaits them...
Warping out into realspace they discover the remains of a space battlefield entail within the gravity field of the frozen death world of Kanis. Ascertaining themselves around Kanis the remnants of the Wolf Brothers are sent scouting the surroundings destroyed ships, the orbiting space station and the long lost Hives Forges found on the surface of Kanis.
The Wolf Brothers are to be tested for their tenacity and stubbornness. Defying painstaking Demons traps, odds and ends of frost Tyranids from age past, bold Dark Eldars hunters and surviving Death Skulls Orks... the Wolf Brothers will have all the challenges they needs to make their chronicles a bloody one.
On a mission to gather equipment their ferocity of survival is being play by the taint of Chaos itself. On the frozen death world of Kanis revenge will be taken...