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'I am enough of an artist to draw upon my imagination have once said Albert Einstein.' Each one of us live in their own self world of imagination and like most of us I am bound to simply reveal the identity of the one I vision each night. Then became the Wolf Brothers of old from its starting creation to what it will become in due time.
Living in the great frozen fervor that the country of Canada provide I am keen to say that it reminds me each day of what the world of Fenris could look like in its better time. Short summers and long winters living have made me into a passionate for the barbarian saga of man fighting for their own survival while being at the throats of each others in pursuit for the unknown beasts. When not trying to convert my next W40K miniature it's in the books that talk about its worlds that I can be found. ![]() Having recently built a new house for my family... I've taken the opportunity to create myself a small office on its second level where I could thrive the cutting knifes and stroke of paintbrush on the W40K miniatures that I possess. Details of its precious construction, looks and miniatures produced while working in it can be found on the pages of this blog. If at any time you are looking for help building yours just ring the bell and I'll be glad to drop ya a few lines about it. When not working to get the food on the table, rising two kids, getting drunk with some friends or helping a wanting witch heretics of a wife on forced home duties it's in this area that yours truly 'Wulfen' can be found. With that well that shall be all for now... but what about the Wolf Brothers I hear you say. Moa ha! Well... The second founding of the Space Wolf has always intrigue me for it was known from the start that they were to be annihilated a long time ago. The question I always been asking myself was "but what if..." and don't take me wrong I am for the fact that they should be departed the thing was "Where and why..." the piece meal of information was there but Games Workshop simply left it so vague that it was hard to fall into the none spoken right line of it or in other words into the canon aspect of it. For this reason you shall find that every detail about the campaign that I have produce so far for my Wolf Brothers are to the point always in line with what is known to the most... or as been found knew to the W40K. Taken a group portion of the Wolf Brothers and making them live or to the most giving them at least the chance to fight one last time is the grand calling of this blog. The big picture plan is in itself simple... built an army of Wolf Brothers... have them reside in a built raider ship that need repairs and supply... give them a built frozen landscape to fight on... and... a built Hive to locate themselves into and find what they need to move forward... else throw some enemies, obstacles and BAM! you got the perfect sci-fi barbarian saga of old. This is what this blog is all about and I hope you will find that my world of imagination is has much mentally passionate and crazy then the one you are finding yourself into. At least I hope! What more can a fan of the W40K universe could want ? Don't say my wallet is already afraid of your answer... hey! ... On that I fare you farewell, glory to the miniatures fanatics and their wild passion dreams. May you find in here an eternity of high-quality carnage and bloodshed for the Wolf Brothers.