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Collecting a Space Wolf army is about making each of the warriors under your command unique and dissimilar from each others. While some will bash complete kits together they will have a hard time to complete the rest of their army when the instance of dedication to move forward, paint and complete their army comes around. The Wolf offer the opportunity while still having the same type of weapons to look different from each other be it by their heads, bodies, weapons look or caricatured movements. Making them the perfect army to exploit for someone wanting lots of easy conversion to be made and who don’t like to paint always the same things...
One of the effects that peoples keep forgetting is that constructing an army take time and dedication. The more time someone spent on choosing what’s really needed and what conversion are wanted the more easily he will find moments to be accorded to create his units afterwards. Something simple has choosing your heads in advance so you are not doing units with the same look comes to mind… Choosing the stare, the feel and the particular weapon that you want your force to have is to the most of equal importance then what type of combat units you are to field on the tabletop. For once done this will give you that special dedication that all are looking for when the time comes to paint and finish the army you dreamed for all along…
Although the list created for the remnants of the Wolf Brother’s is not huge a simple count for heads was giving to be of 39 Wolf heads. After a deliberation of who would receive helmets and what special character would fit in with what units the counts came low to 20 heads needed from the Wolf’s Kits to have the main forces look different while standing beside each other.
The Wolf Brother’s
8x Terminators
8x Terminators
6x Scouts
3x Bikes
1x Attack Bike
6x Long Fangs
2x Fenrisian Wolf’s
5x Kanis Wolf’s
5x Kanis Wolf’s
4x Support Ship Characters
4x Servitors
1x Landraider
1x Landraider
1x Razorback
4x Dreadnought
4x Drop Pod
1x Cargo Flyer
1x Raider Ship
The list is also somewhat short while still having big pieces that all should know take some time to finish. While someone could field more and hade this and that… The main plan was to know what was really needed and what type of units I felt comfortable having on the tabletop while having fun with. Having a background from playing Chaos, Imperial & Orks... the Space Wolf should bring me a feeling of innovation and new interest as built. For now the logic are that the Dreadnoughts are to provide fire power, the transports are to give me crowds control and the Wolf’s themselves to help pin-point target of opportunities. Knowing that I would be fighting Orcs, Dark Eldar, Chaos Marines and Tyranids during the campaign scenarios the function choice of each unit’s also played in the back of my mind.
Having clear-cut conversion to be done within a diversity the conversion theme to be use is to make most of the Wolf Brother’s look like old veteran’s being born in or near the time of Russ… Living past the timeline of Prospero Burn and within the exploit of the new stories being written on the Space Wolf… The needs to have them somewhat corrupt by the Wulfen curse and separated from the main Wolf companies also play a large part for the campaign scenarios. One of the big ideal behind the army was to have all the warriors on a raider ship following a legendary hero on a mission that cut short due to the warp. Being in a new environment they discover something that relate to their main mission and decide to give it pursuit.
List of Conversion
Wolf Pelts
Caricatured Movements
Caricatured Movements
Scouts & Swiftclaws Wolf looks
Fenrisian & Kanis Wolf’s
Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons
Dreadnought Main Frames
Fenrisian & Kanis Wolf’s
Dreadnought Close Combat Weapons
Dreadnought Main Frames
Dreadnought Pelts
Landraiders Doors
Vindicator to Razorback
Landraiders Doors
Vindicator to Razorback
Cargo Flyers Weapons
Scratch-Built Raider Ship
The Insides of all transports
Scratch-Built Raider Ship
The Insides of all transports
I am still deliberating on the flyer at the time of this writing... the choice of going with a Forgeworld Thunderhawk Transporter & Arvus or to go with the GW new plastic kit Stormraven... still need to be decided. The main point to debate is to choose between having a full Raider ship to land on the planet so the Landraiders/Razorback can disembark or have them lift in space and brought down by the flyer. All in all one thing is sure is that all must be fitted to embark within the scratch-built Wolf Pack Raider ship in the end (Transports & Soldiers)... So space will take a large sum when the final decision take place.
Until then have a Good Conversion !...