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Warp Entry |
Document: Ship's Log Excerpt "The Deviant Blackwulf"
Voice: Master Kjallak Wulfen
Voice: Master Kjallak Wulfen
M32 / 4,020: Navigator informs that the warp is disturbed , and we must cross this sector in real space before re-entering the warp in order to proceed safely... adding perhaps as much as a month and a half to primary journey. Cause of disturbance unknown.
M32 / 4,029: Successful translation from the warp at the outer edges of system Designate 882-IXW-2K. Beat to quarters. Ship rigged for silent running, passive augury for potential planetary bodies commencing.
M32 /4,030: Auto-Log. Passive augurs have discerned Objects. Distance is 4.0E+7 UKM on Port-side/Ventral Augury Arc. High level of radiation detected. High levels of Warp Energy detected. Space debris hits. Defensive maneuvers engaged. Defensive weapon targeters open.
M32/ 4,036: Preliminary Auguries Enginseer-Prime confirms findings of Space vessels in their hundreds. Space debris in their thousands. Master of Ordnance identifying threats. Space Combat battlefield reported. Secondary Auguries started...
M32 / 4,059: Destroyed Space Vessels to be confirm as rare and dated primary crusade. Vessel of standards template; Constructs designs M29. Vessels transmission Augury logs unrecoverable, analysis of findings incomplete, Chief Astropath confirm no message found, at this point.
M32 / 4,148: Secondary Auger Array found one stellar body and three planetary bodies detected within space travel distance. Stellar body classified as Umber-III corpse star. Planetary Body Primus telluric planet .5 AU from primary, 5,000 ukm diameter, no observed satellites. Planetary Body Secondus telluric planet 14.9 AU from primary, 9,500 ukm diameter, 8 possible observed satellites. Planetary Body Tertius, death world planet 30.2 AU from primary, 45,000 ukm diameter, 3 observed satellites. Preliminary reports negative for hostile presence. Beginnings third Augury sweep...
M32 / 4,254: Iron Priest suggest prospect of salvage recorded within the wreckage field. STC qualities present in vessel designation 'Archduke Drusus' recorded. Boarding team Level Tertor requested. Master of Arms, remote log via Vox-Link. "Boarding team preparation estimated time 24 minutes."
M32 / 4,302: Third Auguries complete. Primus atmosphere nonexistent. Secundus atmosphere helium-argon, carbon-dioxide and nitrogen mix reducing atmosphere life presence detection. Tertius atmosphere dry air containing nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide and water vapor, auguries positive for life signs. System scan negative for hostile presence within system. Entering system at one third forward, commencing planetary tertiary active augury sweep.
M32 / 4,327: Enginseer-Secondus confirms photogrammetric survey finding of Hives construction on the Planetary Body Tertius, frozen death planetary world call 'Kanis'. Tertiary Auguries complete. No additional relevant information to report. Standing down from general quarters.
M32 / 4,332: Signal detected from Planetary Body Tertius. Signal week and intermittent, unable to resolve. May be Imperial in origin. Beginning quarterly active-focused sweep on Planetary Body Tertius. Boarding ship to ship parties level Tertor on hold.
M32 / 4,346: Potential satellite orbiting Tertius Planetary World call 'Kanis' reclassified as possible space station. Course change, approaching Tertius full forward. Hailing frequency engaged.
M32/ 4,348: No response from hails. Beat to quarters.
M32/ 4,357: Approaching to maximum weapon range. Signal decrypted as distress beacon from space station . New beacon signal received from planetary surface. Image process of space station seen as obtained rigorous combat fire damage.
M32/ 4,402: Signal beacon decrypted from planetary Tertius. Beat to quarters all combat position manned. Offensive maneuvers procedure engaged. Taking reroute position outside planetary range.
M32/ 4,433: All Commands to assemble on bridge...