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The Wolf Lord might have died if it had not been for one of his warriors. One of the Wolf Guard covering him, a fearsome warrior named Hekken, had dispatched his foe and now hurled himself toward the Orks Meganobz Warboss as well. His axe struck and glanced harmlessly off the alien Mega-armor. In return the Orks lashed out with his robotic arm curved blade and struck off Hekken head.
Furious, the Wolf Lord pressed his attack, aiming a series of swift blows at the Orks Mega-armor arms and torso, but the Meganobz Warboss became a whirling blur of deadly motion, dodging the Wolf Lord's every stroke or parrying effortlessly with his robotic arms. The Ork struck again, and the Wolf Lord dimly felt the effect sink deep into his side. The Warboss drew is claws and leaped lightly backwards hissing with pleasure. The Wolf Lord let out a roar of thwarted rage and shot the figure with his plasma pistol, but the bolt dissipated harmlessly against the alien's force-field.
Before he could pursue further, a black-armored figure crashed against the Wolf Lord from the right and knocked him off his feet. The two went down in a tangle of limbs and weapons. Both struggled to pull free quick enough to deal the killing blow. Out of the corner of his vision, the Wolf Lord saw the Orks Warboss drawing nearer, his bionics claws ready. Then suddenly he heard the sound of a stormbolter at close range and a bullet punched through the bodyguard's figure helm.
The Wolf Lord hurled the Meganobz's body away as another Wolf Guard raced and past him to challenge the Orks leader. His stormbolter firing from its hand, the bullet seemed to vanish in the swirling void surrounding the Orks Meganobz Warboss. The Warboss claws flashed, but the Orks force-fields succeeded in deflecting the Wolf attacks. The Wolf Guard axe sliced and thrust at the Orks, but the Warboss avoided the attacks with contemptuous ease. Still the momentary distraction was enough to allow the Wolf Lord to recover.
The Wolf Lord leaped to his feet amid the raging melee, and found himself in a slowly tightening circle as the Meganobz attackers drove his wolf warriors back towards a centre point. Many of the Wolf Guard had surrendered themselves to the Wulfen Curse as well, and they wrought a hellish slaughter among the enemy, but for every Orks Meganobz they slew it seemed that two more took his place. In another few minutes it seemed that they would be overwhelmed.
A shout carried across the area from behind the Wolf Lord. He turned to see Brogan standing by the engine, and the sliver of reason that remained to him told the Wolf Lord that the charges for the reactor had been set.
The Wolf Lord turned back to the Orks Warboss and realized what he had to do. He lunged forwards, gathering speed as he charged toward the alien. By this time the Wolf Guard was fighting the Warboss on his own. He wielded his axe with superlative skill, but the alien was far more experienced then it look. Each blow against the Orks sent arcs of energy crackling along the surface of his armor, and it was clear that it was close to failing.
The Warboss was so intent on killing the Wolf Guard that he didn't notice the Wolf Lord charge until it was nearly too late. He shifted position in a blur of motion, swinging his bionics claws in a decapiting stroke, but the Wolf Lord surprised him by dropping his plasma pistol and seizing the alien's arm at the wrist. The field's energy sank through the Wolf Lord armor like ice water, a cold so sharp it sank like a knife into his bones, but he gritted his teeth and held on nonetheless.
Surprised, the Orks spat a stream of curses and tried to pull away, but the Wolf Lord clamped his right hand around the Warboss armored chest. With a roar of pure, animal fury, he picked the alien off his feet, turned and hurled his body at the power generator a few meters away. When the Warboss energy field struck the generator there was an actinic flash and a concussion that knocked nearly everyone from their feet. The Orks Meganobz Warboss body was vaporized instantly by the blast; pieces of his shattered, smoldering armor ricocheted around the room like shrapnel from a grenade.
The next thing the Wolf Lord heard was a strident, atonal sound that seemed to reverberate through the structure of the spire itself. Shocked from his battle-madness by the blast, he saw the last of the Orks Meganobz fleeing from the chamber as fast as they could.
Arjak stood close still reeling from the shock."What's happening?" he yelled. The Wolf Lord grabbed his weapons off the ground. "That sounds like an alarm of some kind' he shouted. "The reactor must have been damaged by that energy field. We need to get back to the transport right now!"
Four Wolf Guard lay dead, surrounded by heaps of Orks bodies. The survivors were already on the move to grab the bodies of the fallen and carry them out. They raced back the way they'd come, ready to kill anyone who got in their way, but the alarm had sent every Orks on the spire scrambling for their own means of escape. By the time they staggered out onto the landing pad, the skies were starting to fill with transports hastily lifting off from the doomed space station. Orks bodies - some armored, some not - were piled in heaps before the damaged transport, their bodies torn apart by shells or ravaged by the whirring teeth of Shanka's chainsword. The pilot stood with his feet planted on the landing pad before the transport, his armor spattered with alien gore. The Wolf Lord raised his axe in salute to the dogged defense, and ordered everyone onto the craft.
"How long until your charges blow?" the Wolf Lord asked Brogan as they clambered aboard. "Another two minutes, give or take" the Wolf Guard replied. "By the bears teeth!" the Wolf Lord cursed. "Shanka, get us the hell out of here!"
With a whine of tortured impellers and a ragged scraping of metal, the crippled transport shuddered into the air and yawed dangerously to port...
13th Cie Scenario Story directed from Wolf at the Door by Mike lee
and interpreted for the Dead World of Kanis Storyline Scenarios...