Ive been using the Dawn of War II multiplayer Army Painter recently to try and get the perfect picture of what color theme would be appropriate for the Wolf Brothers. Wanting to try something else than the pure soft blue that we are used to see with the Space Wolves Ive come up with the following...
The colors are a mix of white, grey and bone... with some dry blood drops... Chapter insignia would be painted in red instead of black and small details added would appear also in red (like eyes and gems). Furs cloak and wolf tail talisman would be colored as per real Canadian grey wolf winter pelt with traces of black & brown.
Ive found so far that the Dawn of War Army Painter is the perfect tryout tools there is for people wanting to try color. The tool give the chance to really see if at least the colors are to blend in properly before being put directly on the model.
Not wanting to have the entire army to appear to much white for the reasons that the bases are to be created representing snow on rocks... I am wondering if the small blend in of the given colors are to be enough... or simply to much white in its entire form.
What do you guys think ?