Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Army List - Logan Wolves
A 2000 pts Space Wolf & Space Marine Allies army list
The army was built to control the middle ground with alot of fire support while having bikes coming-in at later time to inflict damage to the rear level line of the adversary. Troops have been taken to be able to take a punch with +2 armor or 5 toughness and/or to hit hard with melta in mind where possible for assured kills. Terminators have storm bolters with Power Weapon or Wolf claws. Army contain 3 troops for the taken of objective with 6 units to offer direct fire support. Enough points have been left to have you setup your Terminators with a few weapons of your choice.
While this built dont offer alot of objective takers it offer both fire to take down heavy units and largenumbered weaker one's. Offering you to play against tanks as against loads of tyranids.It also direct you to play smart and concentrate each of your troops move on the objectives while offering two support units to help each troops out. Heavy hitting fire power and good armor make this built a fun one to play and while being small in numbers offer you the chance to concentrate on tactics and battefield techniques.
Objectif: Protection Base(') and Fire support for middle(*)
Dreadnought = Plasma Cannon, close combat weapon (Elite)*
Dreadnought = Plasma Cannon, close combat weapon (Elite)*
Dreadnought = Ironclad with hurricane bolter, seismic hammer (Allies Elite)'
Terminator = Wolf Guard x4 (Troops)'
Thunderfire = Cannon x1, Techmarine gunner x1 (Allies HVY)*++
" ++ Can be replace by Terminator Wolf Guard x3 for more troops or Heavy Bolters Long Fangs x4+1, Predator x1 or Allies Stormtalon x1 for change in gameplay"
Objectif: Control center with its own fire support
Land Raider = Crusader with Melta (Dedicated)
Terminator = Wolf Guard x 7 (Troops)
Terminator = Logan Grimnar (HQ)
Long Fang = Leader x1, Multi-Melta x4 (HVY)
Long Fang = Leader x1, Multi-Melta x4 (HVY)
Objectif: Attack by outflank to forward objectives, support from backline
Bike = Kor'sarro Khan on Moondrakkan with Moonfang, Hit and run, furious charge, outflank (Allies HQ)
Bike = Sgt x1, Rider x3 , meltagun x2 , Attack bike x1 with Multi-Melta (Allies Troops)
Give it a try and let me know what you think!