Friday, May 6, 2011

The Great Wolf - Kjallak



Caricatured Movement
I wanted The Great Wolf 'Kjallak' to be a man of stature and different for this reason I went and ordered the Forge World Terminator pack. After different try-out of what upper torso would look the best with the unit he was to fight with... I decided on the one presented here.
The background fluff that goes the best with 'Kjallak is the one found on page 16 'Warlords of the Fang' from the Space Wolf Codex, the one nominated Gunnar Red Moon "roaring, laughing, bear of a man, who favour his long Fangs more than most".
Ive try to the best to incorporate rules from 'Logan Grimnar' but feared also the need of some simplicity for him in case I was to play him has a regular Lord and not a major character. Instead of a two sided axe of Morkai I went with a converted power fist and a four sided mace on which I will add some frost markings (The Morkai axe can be use as a frost blade or a power fist). I've included a belt of Russ under the torso and a wolf tail talisman to the weapon... The torso represent to the best the Wolftooth necklace under the head. The only problem left was the Storm Bolter to hade and have him represent some of the special rules under Logan leadership...
The Storm Bolter was a big issue at some point until I went to search on the GW webpage for some parts. Although I could have used a Grey Knight Storm Bolter I wanted something different... After seeing the gloves of Marneus Calgar, Lord Macragge of the Ultramarine when he is in Terminator armor the idea of making a firing gauntlet came to mind. So I've cut the Wolf claws from a space wolf gauntlet, introduced a weapon magazine beneath, drilled some holes on the facing surface and re-did the gauntlet finger separation with a knife. The entire fist will be painted has to come out from the main armor to let my adversary and myself know there is something special about it when I introduce the army.
For the 'Logan' special rules which are Fearless, Tank Hunters, Relentless and preferred Enemy... I needed something completely 'out-of-whack'... and spent almost a week thinking what else could be use to represent those rules on him (See Space Wolf Codex Page 56). So... at the pain of receiving complaints I went with the following (Comments are welcome bad or good)...
- Fearless: A oversize chaos dead head on the left shoulder pad.
- Relentless: A skull crown effigy on top of the wolf pelt.
- Tank Hunter: A second power fist look covering the second hand.
- Preferred Enemy: A Wolf Claws demonstrating the reroll capacity.

The torso and the right shoulder pad come from Forge. The mace and the left skull head shoulder pad come from the Chaos Terminator set. The Wolf Firing gauntlet come from the conversion of a Terminator Wolf Claw. Extra markings (3) on lower left leg were made by carving knife. All other parts from the Space Wolf Box set. Ive use a second small base to rise him up before the base is to be converted.

Green Stuff
Conversion made were on the belt and belt insignia to have one head wolf and not two. The inside right shoulder pad required also green stuff. Green stuff conversion to be haded is mainly underneath the wolf head to cover the hole when seen at the horizontal level... This was severely & cruelly discovered after pictures were taken.


Arjak, Kjallak & Graznak