Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Rune Priest - Lakkan



Caricatured Movement
The conversion of 'Njal Stormcaller' into a Rune Priest was easy in a sense of what was needed but... I must say if you don't have the bitz you might crack a bad smile on the caricatured movement wanted. The goal was to make him stand with his staf toward the enemy as to cast a psychic spell. In this way the staff is not in the way during melee fights...

I desired on the opposite side of the conversion give him the caricatured movement of firing the storm bolter in line with the head and have the staf on the side length wise instead... Mostly it was the feet that caused problem in the look of the movement... Who knows if I need another priest I might try it again.

Staff was created by a Terminator hammer arm, skull head, wolf tail and a cut 'coat-hanger'. The other arm holding the storm was taken from the Ultramarine Terminator sword hand upon which was glue a storm bolter... this to have the arms facing straight down to a maximum (If not both arms would be facing forward 'cowboy style', this was not wanted).

'Njal Stormcaller' psyber-familiar was taking out and the use of pliers marks to get off the feet of the raven was done to make the shoulder look fully covered with fur. 'Nightwing' will be used in a 'Moving Turn Counter' and a 'Chooser of the Slain' later conversion. Once painted effort will be made to have the wolf tails look more alive due to be in the same wind then the fur pelt.

By-By Raven

Green Stuff
Two small rope style along the staf to gather a better effect on the fang bracelet upon which runes, from the Space Wolf kit torso, were attach.
