Tuesday, September 27, 2011

13th Cie - Update

It's been awhile and has you would know I am busy making the office at this time but things are going well... few change in dimension to the previous plan were needed to be made in regard to lower the cost... but all is going according to the main plan so far.
Few more deeper thought drawing have been made on paper for the Blackwulf Raider as to come up with away to split it in 4 parts instead of having to carry a 5x3 foot huge ship across the house. Mainly for me but wanted to let you know that yes this crazy idea is still on the go.
Once the Office is done ill have a few good posts on making thunderwolf since I've pick-up 2x Canis Wolfborn box, Empire Flagellants Warband box and a Chaos Marauder Horsemen box. I think I'll be able to come up with some good conversion for all to do without big trouble.

On the side table...
Since the last update GW came up with the new Ogres army book which brought me to dust off my old Fantasy army for a quick look. I might have to gather a few units to stay on top of things but have decided to put it all on the back burner for now so I can concentrate on the Wolves office first.

Online Community...
I've been playing "Space Marines" on PC and finish the campaign on hard setting. I am now confronting the online community and I am at the Level 35 for upgrade. Still have plenty of challenges to do... Some weapon are not my type of play but I'm forcing myself to play them all (I sometime return to my preferred to get my killing ranking higher but hey :)  Who's Not!).
The Coop free part of the game is coming up in October so if you're looking to play online Space Wolves VS Orks in a COOP team of 4 let me know right here and will arrange a meeting time for private games.
If you dint get the news for the Coop play see the following link: http://www.spacemarine.com/forums/topic/3772

Reading & Reviews...
I've put myself to re-read the first 3 books of Ragnar Blackmane "Space Wolf, Ragnar's Claw and Grey Hunter" by William King. Just to keep me in the spirit of a dying galaxy... I've also went throw "Imperial Glory" by Richard Williams. I am now going through the short stories of "Age of Darkness, Tale of Heresy and Legends of the Spaces Marines". I'll put the reviews within the next following days...

TV and Sports...
The new shows are starting and it's about time "Big Bang and House" are my favorite but it would seem that "Terra-Nova" is also promising will have to watch the third episodes to know if I'll stick to it. Else waiting for the real Hockey season to start hehe...

Well that's it for now and see you on the battlefield.